DL Streaming 101: Week 18
ProfessorIDP provides your final set of 2024 DL streaming options for those of you playing in Week 18.
Before we get into results and streaming options, I wanted to provide a quick roadmap of what to expect for DL content over the next few weeks. Below, I repeat the same format as last week giving you a full list of DL streaming options available in 50% or more of IDP leagues.
Next week, I’ll be sharing a DL guide for IDP playoff leagues since these are often streaming leagues where you can only start a player once. The final article in this season’s series will be out in two weeks and be our course evaluation with a deep dive into the results of our streaming selections from a variety of angles.
The jumbo-sized list of streamers last week yielded plenty of variance but 18 of 42 calls broke the 10-point threshold and there were only two 0s. Three of the top five performing DTs for the week were on the list as was the #2 overall DE.
Overall, Tier 2 shined with a 14.04 average and a 58.8% hit rate (players over 10), Tier 1 performed well averaging 11.48 and a 50% hit rate, as expected Tier 3 had some good options but still had the lowest average (9.5) and hit rate (29%) of all the tiers. The size of Tier 3 clearly hurt both the weekly average and hit rate but both were respectable at 11.52 and a hit rate of 40%.
For Week 18, I am repeating the process from last week by loosening the criteria from players available in at least 75% of IDP leagues to those free in greater than 50% eliminating the top 48 most rostered DL. This gives you more options and caters to leagues of various sizes with 47 players listed below.
If you are playing in a more shallow league or want a second opinion on some of these players, check out Mike Woellert’s excellent rankings on the site as they (along with other great resources on the site) helped me get to two championships and win one this year. Finally, be sure to check for actives/inactives and teams that are resting in Week 18 that would either help or hurt an individual player before making your lineup decisions. Use the data I provide to help your decision-making as you know your risk tolerance, league set-up, and needs this week.
Good luck and if you have any questions about deep DL plays, my office is always open on Twitter (@ProfessorIDP). While this article is a freebie, please consider supporting me, the show, and the broader IDP community by adding your league(s) to the 2024 State of IDP Survey!
Be sure to subscribe to The IDP Show on Apple, Spotify, or YouTube.